Gregor Obreza portret foto.

Gregor Obreza

Full stack developer building custom web solutions. Acquiring new skills by trying, building and exploring new stuff. Most excited when developing useful apps that solve real-life problems.

Over 3 years of web development experience. Currently a full-time front-end developer at Flare and AFLabs.

What have I been up to lately

Since on the day job I mostly do front-end development, I work on my back-end skills through building side projects in my spare time. Apart from that I am also interested into business, startups and Saas development. Therefore I am exploring and learning about how to market some of my ideas.

What can I help you with

I can help you with building MVPs or whole web applications using React, Next.js, Astro and Supabase. Ping me and we will discuss your challenge.

Some other facts

Actually, I completed my master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and ventured into programming and web development during the final stages of my studies. Even though I am not so into mechanical engineering anymore, I still like to model and 3D print some ideas from time to time…


Yes I also do other stuff in my life. I enjoy hard strongman and powerlifting training sessions, boxing, reading, having a beer or two with my friends and of course spending time and building our future with my girlfriend.

Let’s connect

Reach me at or connect with me on LinkedIn.